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HearthstoneOct 9, 2024 9:00 pm CT

The decks you need to win Hearthstone’s Aviana’s Night Tavern Brawl

Let’s party with a fallen demigod in the Hearthstone Aviana’s Night Tavern Brawl. We’ll have some high-flying fun with the wild god of Azeroth’s birds and other winged creatures. Unfortunately, Aviana seems to have fallen under the curse of the Witchwood. It might be a party where we escape on a wing and prayer. I don’t want to Harp-y on this too much, so let’s get to the Brawl!

Tavern Brawl basics

  • Name: Aviana’s Night
  • Description: It’s Aviana’s Night at the tavern and the feeling’s right! First card you play each turn will be on the house.
  • Fun level: x/10
  • Difficulty: x/10
  • Replayability: x/10
  • Format: Stardard
  • Type: PVP
  • Deck: Constructed
  • Rewards: 1 Standard Pack (can contain any card from the current Standard rotation)

This Brawl is similar to other Brawls that take the effect of a single card and make it the rule set for the Brawl. We’ve seen this with Brawls like the Three Wishes Tavern Brawl based on Zephrys the Great, or the Miniature Warfare Tavern Brawl using the effect of  Jepetto Joybuzz. Aviana’s Night takes its rule set from Duskfallen Aviana. This card entered Hearthstone through The Witchwood set as a legendary Druid minion card.

Because this is a Constructed Brawl using only cards in the Standard rotation, the size of your card collection will make a huge difference in the decks you can build — and how difficult it might be to get a win. Because the first card you play each turn costs zero, the Brawl lends itself to very greedy decks that deploy those expensive Epic and Legendary cards. Those cards become more important than usual.

How to win Aviana’s Night Hearthstone Tavern Brawl

Like most Constructed Brawls, the key to victory is finding a great deck. Over time, players discover the meta — the deck (or decks) that are particularly strong given the ruleset. These lists are published on sites like ours and others. They become dominant, then counter decks rise and you fall into the same sort of ‘meta’ as you see on the Ladder.

Going first seems to provide a significant advantage. You get the first big threat down and your opponent almost has to deal with it, giving up tempo and initiative.

One “fun” new card to try out for the 2024 incarnation of this Brawl is Razorscale. If you can get it down on turn 1, your opponent can’t do anything. Even on later turns, it makes that first card cost something.

The decks you need to win Aviana’s Night Hearthstone Tavern Brawl

Big Demon Hunter

Credit: grokl77


Travelmaster Dungar is going to be a popular pick, but I wouldn’t craft him just for this Brawl. This deck leans into Demon Hunter’s strength of card draw to help ensure you can abuse the Aviana aura better than your opponent.

High roll Druid

Credit: Ben Hearthstone


Friend of the blog, Ben Hearthstone, is one of the best accounts to follow for Hearthstone on Twitter, especially if you like Tavern Brawls. This is a Reno deck where you hope to high roll better than your opponent.  It includes all the big boys, plus a little card draw.

Deadly Hunter

Credit: jackclown


Mulligan hard for Dungar. You’ll see him in almost every list and he’s a game changer. Hunter has some great tools for dealing with your opponent’s high roll. Deadly Shot comes into play fairly early. Silver Serpent is a decent backup plan. Later on, you have spells like Death Roll. Of all the high rolls, Banjosaur can be a game winner.

Big Bad Priest

Credit: ilPeco


This uses many of the same minions as the other lists. Where Priest shines is with the powerful removal/steal spells like Fun House Mirror, Power Word: Ruin, Shadow Word: Steal, and Lightbomb. You just have to live long enough for those to come into play. I’d consider a strategy where you mulligan hard for Fun House Mirror.

Big Warrior

Credit: Houseleft


All of the usual suspects in this list as well, but you’re invested in playing one big bad per turn for most of the game. Bladestorm can be an amazing card for this Brawl.

More Aviana’s Night Hearthstone Tavern Brawl decks

One of these decks should see you through. If you find another great deck, share it with us in the comments.

Getting a win with a smaller collection can be challenging. If none of these decks work for you, check for more community decks on Hearthstone Top Decks. New Brawl decks keep being added all the time.

Overall, this was a rough Brawl for me. Except for buying the Mega Bundle for Whizbang’s Workshop, I’ve been Free 2 Play for quite some time. I wish you the best of luck getting this week’s pack!

Originally published April 26, 2024; updated October 9, 2024.

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