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WoWDec 24, 2024 9:00 am CT

The quick holiday maintenance for WoW today has already concluded

Just because it’s a holiday for most of us doesn’t mean that World of Warcraft’s weekly maintenance is canceled — though it is a short one this week, with all iterations of WoW going offline for just an hour. The WoW servers were offline from 7am to 8am pacific today, which includes modern, Classic (including the new Anniversary realms), and Cataclysm servers, but now they are back up and ready for play.

This quick blip of downtime means you should be able to check the Great Vault this morning and still have plenty of time to do any last minute holiday shopping (or make a run to the grocery store when you realize you don’t have any eggs). But if you need something to do for this hour of the week, there are a ton of games to catch your attention: we have our own game of the year list, the Steam Winter Sale is underway with great bargains (which many other digital retailers mimic), and Epic is well in to its holiday advent calendar game giveaway. It’s truly a holiday gaming bounty.

So happy holidays … or just happy maintenance day for those who don’t celebrate. This week’s maintenance will be over before you know it.

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