Blizzard Watch Weekly: bit of cheese
This is the week where we’re all generally addled and not sure which day it is, and we’re simultaneously full of holiday cheer but also cheese and perhaps a cookie or eight.
It’s how long til new years? Eh, Elling Trias will probably still be open. Bit more cheese.
What Happened This Week?
- This week’s Hearthstone Tavern Brawl: Gift Exchange Brawl (Constructed, Wild)
- This week’s WoW World Boss: Kordac, the Dormant Protector
- Active Twitch Drop campaigns
It was a blissfully quiet week. While the ongoing holiday events were still, you know, ongoing, there were no big headlines to report (which is good, because reporting in our jammies is the pits). We have been very careful to pick up those Epic Games Store holiday giveaway games every day — we started reporting on those last week, and it’s been a pretty popular post, so if you, like us, are forgetting which day is which, here’s a small reminder.
We did take the opportunity of a relatively chill week to discuss our obligatory year-end Game of the Year superlatives.
Oh, and make sure you check that Twitch Drop campaign link this week. Overwatch 2 is giving away some really cute holiday skins for just tuning in to your favorite streamers.
What’s Happening Next Week (and beyond)
- Diablo 4’s festive Slay Ride to Hell event through January 2 — all rewards are now unlocked so you can just log on to claim them!
- Winter Veil in Warcraft Rumble through January 2
- Winter Veil in World of Warcraft through January 5 — if you still need to do this one, check out this shortcut to the Abominable Greench
- World of Warcraft 20th Anniversary Event through January 6
- Winter Wonderland in Overwatch 2, through January 6
- Steam Winter Sale through January 2
- Epic Games Store Daily Giveaway and holiday sale, through January 9 (projected)
In-game holiday events begin concluding this week, so make sure you’re doing them if you want the rewards. In particular, the Diablo 4 Slay Ride event met its goals for murder so all the potential rewards are now unlocks.
We’d also encourage you to make your Steam Sale purchases sooner rather than later, because that sale is set to end soon, too. Two of my personal favorites, Firewatch and The Forest, are $2 a pop — though I will warn you that neither fits the cozy, full-of-cheese vibe we’re embracing this week, they’re both standout games in their own ways.
There wasn’t a Lore Watch this week due to the holidays, but the Blizzard Watch podcast can’t be stopped, particularly with all of the patch 11.1 news last week. We talked a lot about what’s coming in WoW’s next major patch, as well as our favorite games of the year and the great deals in this season’s sales. Plus, Joe urges us to imagine Master Chief and Spyro doing a fist bump before heading into battle.
If you’d like to listen to the podcast early, Tier 2 Patreon patrons get access two days before the shows are posted here on the main page. Plus, you get our eternal gratitude for your support.
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