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The War Within > WoWJan 21, 2025 8:00 am CT

All the new collectibles you’ll be able to get with your Gallagio Loyalty Rewards Club card in the Liberation of Undermine raid

The Liberation of Undermine raid arriving with The War Within patch 11.1 is testing out a brand new feature: Raid Renown. This reputation reward track will function in similar ways to old raid reputations like the Hydraxian Warlords or Shado-Pan Assault while also taking advantage of the Renown system. Like prior raid reputations the defeat of bosses and lieutenants will reward reputation but instead of having to wait until you’re Revered or Exalted to get the better rewards there will be 20 Renown Ranks each providing benefits to those liberating Undermine. While most of the benefits will be to assist in raid progression, there are some collectibles that will be unlocked as well.

One important thing to note is that the Gallagio Loyalty Rewards Club — as the Renown track is labeled — will not disappear at the end of TWW Season 2. Players who do not take part in the Liberation of Undermine will be able to return in the future and get these rewards at that time.

Unfortunately for collectors it’s going to take some time during Season 2 to unlock these new items as only one tier of Renown can be unlocked weekly at first. This limit increases by one each week so that Renown 20 will be reached 19 weeks after the raid opens. There will be catchups available so by the time Season 3 — or The Last Titan if your preferred farming method is to wait until the raid can be soloed — rolls around players should be able to open up the entire track in a week or two.

Collectibles from the Gallagio Loyalty Rewards Club

  • Fun-Size Flarendo and Tiny Torq pets (Renown 9) — these smaller versions of the Cauldron of Carnage bosses will be sold by vendors outside said cauldron battlefield once Renown 9 has been reached by your Warband.
  • Counterfeit Dealer’s Chips (Renown 11 and 15) — similar to the Antique Bronze Bullion in Dragonflight Season 4 (although limited to Cosmetics), this currency will let you obtain weapon skins from Sando the Rat in the Liberation of Undermine raid, presumably at a cost of 1 Chip per weapon cosmetic. It’s not currently known if this will include the Mythic recolors or if there will be additional colors only available via the Chips. If you need more than two, they can also drop from The One-Armed Bandit (the sixth boss of the raid) after you’ve reached Renown 15.
  • Puzzling Cartel Chip (Renown 17 and 19) — the other side of the Antique Bronze Bullion, this item can be traded in to an undetermined vendor for a fully-stated trinket, weapon, or other special drop from the raid. While progression raiders will of course want to choose an item that could benefit them, collectors are free to take advantage of the free choice to get a new skin with this Chip.
  • The “High Roller” title (Renown 20) — reaching max renown will grant a new title usable by all characters in your warband.
  • Furious Flarendo mount (Renown 20) — the final and arguably best item from the Gallagio Loyalty Rewards Club, the Furious Flarendo mount resembles the robotic dinosaur you’ve previously defeated in the Cauldron of Carnage. This should be unlocked automatically for your Warband after reaching Renown 20.
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