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Diablo > Diablo 4Jan 22, 2025 8:00 am CT

An updated wardrobe, an instant-complete class quest, and many more great quality of life changes in Diablo 4 Season 7

Diablo 4 Season 7 — Season of Witchcraft — is finally here, and it brings with it quite a few great quality of life improvements! While the patch notes are long (oh jeez they are long), we’re going to go ahead and highlight a few of the amazing changes that came out in today’s patch.

Perhaps first of all, the wardrobe has changed; instead of being multiple tabs which you click through to decide your character’s cool new drip, it’s all located now on a single screen. This newly combined screen also has you not only pick weapons and armor, but your pets and portals as well. There are additional tabs on this screen, with a new tab for mount appearance and another for character recustomization — making the wardrobe a quick one-stop shop for all of your changes! If this wasn’t a good enough change, it gets better: you can now change your wardrobe at any time! Just open your character panel and click on the wardrobe button to access all of this customization anywhere, any time. (Note: Liz Patt has told me that was added last season, and I somehow missed it. Regardless, this is a great addition that goes well with the Wardrobe changes added this patch, so my ignorance can be an education for others!)

While the wardrobe updates are my favorite change of all, let’s not overlook some of the other really nice QoL changes that were made. While much of the hype around the latest season has been about the new Witchcraft powers and other seasonal features, the Diablo 4 team continues to make nice updates to make gameplay smoother. Here are the highlights:

  • The quest to unlock the class mechanic now only needs to be completed once account wide; after this it will automatically unlock at the appropriate level on new characters.
  • But those class quests are still there, so completing them (if you’ve already unlocked your class feature) now rewards a cache of Legendary loot tailored to the class.
  • A new option in the Training Yard has been added to toggle damage variance on and off.
  • Gems can now be transmuted into random Legendary and Unique Jewelry.
  • All nearby crafting materials will now be collected when picking up a stack from the ground.
  • The Key Item Details button is now a toggle instead of requiring you to hold the button down.
  • The Infernal Hordes Gold Chest now rewards more Gold.
  • Once Spirit Boons has been unlocked for the first time, Spirit Offerings will stop dropping for Druid characters on the account and all interactions can be completed through the Spirit Boons menu.

There were also a huge swath of adjustments to the game itself, some of which are increased ancestral droprates, the Greater Crafting Whisper Cache being redesigned, and the Greater Cache of Gold now having more gold inside, for the loot goblin inside us all. Check out the full patch notes for the rest of the changes.

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