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WoWMar 21, 2025 5:00 pm CT

It’s a veritable World of War-wraps, thanks to new rewards at the Trial of Style

Everyone’s favorite in-game holiday in WoW is back with brand new rewards! What’s that? It’s way too early in the year for Brewfest? Of course it is! I’m talking about the Trial of Style! For one glorious week, there’s a contest of fashionistas to see who’s got the most flair, seeking applause, glory, and — of course — even more prizes for our already-overstuffed (especially with Warbands around) transmog closets. After all, transmog is the real end game. Also, even if you don’t feel like participating in the Trial, transmog anywhere (not just at the Trial) is free for the entire week, so time to play dress up.

Our guide to how to win is still pretty accurate, but the rewards list has expanded a lot since the event was first introduced. This time around, we’re getting a lot of Trading Post recolors added to the prize list — many of them are War Legwraps, such as Banded Grassy War Legwraps, available in 18 new colors. Trading Post aficionados will recognize these as being variants on recent Trading Post items like the Long Deep War Skirt and Leg Wraps. This time, however, you can get them without the war skirt — perfect if you want to pair leg wraps with a dangly belt or a stylish new tabard without being a mess of clipping issues, for example. Hmm, a bunch of leg wraps… that’s interesting, it almost reminds me of a certain group of creatures we’ve run into again recently in Undermine. Anyway, pay no attention to ominous rumblings or nasty rumors about a void Ethereal named Shadreen who seems to be monitoring us during the Trial of Style. I’m sure that’s nothing ominous that we need to worry about at all!

Also, if you’re looking for something a little more sedate, or maybe just something to make your character look like they’re straight out of a very old memory, you can also pick up sepia recolors of several Trading Post items — such as the Vigilante’s Sepia Mask, the Long Sepia War Skirt and Leg Wraps, or a stylish Prowler’s Sepia Shoulder Cape and matching mask ensemble. It’s not the most exciting color in the world, but if there’s one thing every transmog fan wants, it’s to have any color of item in our arsenal so that we’re always prepared to mix and match and look our best, whether it’s in a raid or on the runway. If these prizes caught your eye, or you’re missing out on any of the other appearances that were added as prizes in the past, you’ll want to find your nearest neighborhood transmog NPC — in Dornogal, that’s Warpweaver Dezeeran — and queue up for the Trial of Style!

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