A comprehensive guide to WoW’s Trial of Style and all its rewards

Trial of Style — one of the most anticipated micro-holidays — is back in World of Warcraft for the week, and this contest inspires both transmog addicts and non-addicts to take a shot at earning first place for the glory of knowing you look fine as fel. If you’re not sure you want to enter, not sure how to enter, or just feel like doing some research ahead of time to help ensure victory, we have you covered.
Let’s run down the details of this week’s Trial of Style transmog contest so you can jump into the game yourself.
New Trial of Style rewards in Dragonflight
Even if you’re already familiar with the Trial of Style, there are a few changes in Dragonflight:
- Multiple Trading Post activities related to the Trial of Style have been added, and it can be a good way to help you finish up March’s Trading Post.
- Seven cosmetic headpieces (which you can use for any armor type) that feel right at home on a Kul Tiran.
- New belts and boots for all armor types, which are all previously missing pieces from various armor sets. (e.g., Arcanoflare Wrap matches the purple recolor of the Firelands Mage set.)
- Six new weapons, including some brand new items and some recolors of well-known weapons.
All in all, if you’re even a slight transmog enthusiast, the updates in Dragonflight make it well worth a (re)visit!
But if you’ve never done Trial of Style before (or haven’t done it in a while) and need a more detailed breakdown of how it works and all of the other rewards available, let’s cover into the basics of Trial of Style.
What is the Trial of Style and how does it work?
The Trial of Style is a transmogrification contest that puts you and five other players into a scenario. When you first zone in, you’ll notice you and everyone else are in the same, simplistic outfit — essentially, you are a blank canvas. Shortly after entering, a theme will appear underneath the stage. You then have 2.5 minutes to come up with a transmog outfit that fits that theme. There are two transmog NPCs on either end of the room, and you’ll be able to choose from any of the transmog you have personally collected in your Appearance tab.
It’s worth noting that transmog is completely free during Trial of Style, and you can you pre-existing sets. If you really want to prepare, you can save sets ahead of time for each theme and simply select whichever you happen to get in your scenario. Also worth noting — even if you don’t participate in the Trial of Style, all transmogrification and Barber Shop visits are absolutely free while the Trial is going on.
After time is up, there are several rounds of voting. Only two people take the stage at a time, and if you aren’t one of them, you will have a vehicle-style action bar that lets you transition between the two people on stage and cast your vote for whichever you think nailed the theme better. If you are one of the people on stage, you’ll have three buttons — one to cheer, one to wave, and one to dance — however, you can also type in your own emotes if you think something will work better. For example, one of the people in my competition decided to /sleep on stage.
Oh, and anyone who forgets a shirt or tabard before entering will be able to buy some from Nellie Voguesong within the scenario itself. This way, you won’t be left out and unable to transmog those slots if you happen to forego them as part of your usual ensemble.
How to enter the Trial of Style
This one’s pretty easy: Just find a transmogrification NPC in any of the major cities, talk to them, and queue for the Trial of Style scenario. That’s all there is to it. Blizzard has made it even easier with the release of the Trading Post, which includes its own Transmogrifier.
What are the Trial of Style themes?
If you want to plan something ahead of time without any outside ideas, these are the 16 possible themes you’ll want to prepare for (bolded entries are new as of Dragonflight):
- The Shadowlands
- Profession Expression
- Going Green
- Blue Skies
- Gothic Gala
- Expedition: Catwalk
- Bronze Clockwork
- Crimson Creations
- Black Magic
- Summer Styles
- Winter Wear
- Fun and Flirty
- Mismatched Mayhem
- Faction Pride
- Make me Laugh
- Freestyle!
Please note the following themes have been (temporarily?) retired:
- Spook-tacular
- Dark and Deadly
- Ready for Battle
- Tabard Time
- Zen
- Magical Modeling
- Everyday Heroes
- Epic Purple
- Champions of the Light
As I said, you’re free to create preset outfits ahead of time, or you can just zone in and wing it. It’s up to you! Personally, I think part of the fun is scrambling to find an appropriate set in the moment, but you do you.
Rewards for winning the Trial of Style
I’m well aware that many of you are probably going to skip straight ahead to this section, so let’s not waste any time. The Trial of Style will reward players with Trial of Style Tokens — however, the amount will vary depending on how well you do. Here’s what you can expect, in descending order:
- Trial of Style Reward: First Place — 50 Trial of Style Tokens
- Trial of Style Reward: Second Place — 35 Trial of Style Tokens
- Trial of Style Reward: Third Place — 25 Trial of Style Tokens
- Trial of Style Consolation Prize — 11-16 Trial of Style Tokens
What do you use these Tokens on? Sweet, sweet transmog. Also a few other in-instance items that are for fun — but mostly lots of nice ‘mog. Better yet, Blizzard has increased the number of rewards in Dragonflight!
All the Trial of Style awards available in Dragonflight
One thing to note regarding the rewards: You cannot purchase a full ensemble if it’s not your primary armor type but you can purchase individual pieces of different armor types. For instance, my Priest can purchase the Ymirjar Berserker’s Girdle but cannot purchase the Amaranthine Path Armor.
In terms of pricing, most individual pieces can be purchased for 10, 15, or 25 Trial of Style Tokens. Weapons and Ensembles come in at 50 and 60, respectively. The most expensive items are actually the “for fun” additions to the Trial itself, like adding a spotlight during your turns on the stage — these are either 50 or 100 Tokens, depending on the item.
Cosmetic items (for any armor class)
- Fashionable Undershirt (requires the Stylish! buff from winning the Trial to purchase) — 1 Trial of Style Token
- Alley Skulker’s Bandana
- Crimson Beanie
- Green Beanie
- Stevedore’s Skullcap
- Dread Captain’s Chapeau
- Trader’s Bicorne
- Well-Worn Tricorne
- Patroller’s Footwear
- Conjuror’s Slippers
- Shadow-Stitched Stalkers
- Virulent Gravetreaders
- Searing Stompers
- Freezing Footguards
Cloth items
- Ensemble: Mana-Etched Regalia
- Ensemble: Mindwrack Raiment
- Ensemble: Tranquil Spiritbind Regalia
- Arcanofire Wrap (Part of the purple Mage set from Firelands)
- Embrace of the Great Dark Beyond (Part of the Warlock set from Dragon Soul)
- Lost Acolyte’s Boots (Part of the blue Priest set from Icecrown Citadel)
Leather items
- Ensemble: Obsidian Prowler’s Garb
- Ensemble: Tundraspite Armor
- Ensemble: Restless Dreambound Battlegear
- Clasp of Ursine Rage (Part of the Mythic Druid set from Antorus)
- Mad Thief’s Boots (Part of the Rogue set from Ulduar’s 25-person difficulty)
- Scoundrel’s Missing Boots (Part of the Mythic Rogue set from Antorus)
Mail items
- Ensemble: Der’izu Armor
- Ensemble: Crimson Sentinel Garb
- Ensemble: Chainmail of the Timeless Hunt
- Ultramafic Girdle (Part of the Heroic Shaman set from Firelands)
- Boots of a Broken World (Part of the Shaman set from Ulduar’s 25-person difficulty)
- Vault Stalker’s Greaves (Part of Hunter set from Ulduar’s 25-person difficulty)
Plate items
- Ensemble: Righteous Battleplate
- Ensemble: Goldspine Plate
- Ensemble: Amaranthine Path Armor
- Girdle of Chilled Embers (Part of of the Heroic Death Knight set from Firelands)
- Waistguard of the Infernal Eye (Part of the Heroic Paladin set from Firelands)
- Ymirjar Berserker’s Girdle (Part of the Heroic Warrior set from Icecrown Citadel)
- Anetheron’s Edge
- Deathmantle Ripper (an absolute must for any Rogue — matches the Deathmantle set)
- Anointed Crusader’s Claymore
- Jade Arcus (recolor of Black Ice from Eye of Eternity)
- Zealot’s Prayer Staff (recolor of Edict of Argus from Hellfire Citadel)
- Focalized Mana Accelerator
Misc items
Traveler’s Log activities for the Trial of Style in Dragonflight
Not surprisingly, Blizzard has added a few Traveler’s Log activities related to the Trial of Style, and they each award either 20, 50, or 100 Trader’s Tender:
- Learn the Trader’s Bicorne transmog (20 Points)
- Earn 100 Trial of Style Tokens (100 Points)
- Use the Spotlight, Dance Floor, and Flames (100 Points)
- Note these can only be purchased within the scenario itself before the Trial starts
- Cheer on 5 other players (50 Points)
- Summon 3 Admirers (50 Points)
Three of those are really easy to get, and the other two just require a little Trial of Style Token investment. Okay, well, it’s actually a pretty big investment and maaaaybe not worth it if you’re looking to maximize rewards.
All in all, this is still my favorite micro-holiday to date. I still wish we’d see if more often than twice a year, though. Transmog deserves to be celebrated always! Or at least, like, monthly.
Originally published September 1, 2021; updated March 22, 2023
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