Christian Thoma
The Queue: More like Tales of Kenzera: Wow
After a month away for patch 10.2.7, Season 4 and ReMists I finally got back to playing and finishing Tales of Kenzera: ZAU and let me tell you this game was so good my friends. While it is your standard “metroidvania” game, the graphics and music were amazingly well-done. The gameplay wasn’t revolutionary for the genre but it still managed to add some twists to the standard formula, and some of the environmental puzzles were hard. This was clearly a labor of love for the dev team and while there’s more than a half a year to go it’s sitting at the top of my Game of the Year list. If you like metroidvanias at all you should definitely pick it up — the price is pretty low too, only $15-20 depending on platform.
While I ponder which mask to wear when fighting my enemies and escaping lava, let’s answer some questions!
What do you use your gaming wishlists for?
What are you looking forward to at Summer Game Fest 2024?
What are your plans for The War Within beta?
The World of Warcraft: The War Within expansion beta test starts on June 5!
How to unlock jewelry and trinket slots in WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria — now accountwide!
Every gem available in World of Warcraft: The War Within
The Queue: Gems are truly truly outrageous
I’ve written up two guides to gems this week, one for Cataclysm Classic and one for The War Within. And while they’re not hard to write per se, they require a lot of meticulous work and fact-checking which are not my favorite things to do. By the time I finish I want to immerse myself in a sensory deprivation chamber for an hour just so my eyes can listen to fragrances for a bit. Sadly I do not have access to one so I’ll need to content myself with my second favorite post-writing activity, video games.
ReMists is of course the big news alongside Cata Classic (which I’m skipping) but even though it’s been less than a week I’ve already made huge progress towards my goals. Which is good because I have a lot of other games to play — still need to finish Tales of Kenzera: ZAU and Persona 4: Arena Ultimax, and I’d like to get started on Unicorn Overlord. We’re also only a couple weeks out from Summer Game Fest 2024 — Assassin’s Creed: Shadows got a head start by announcing last week — and I’m sure there will more games added to my list that weekend. TL, DR: SO MANY GAMES.
So while I level my Goblin Hunter through remixed Pandaria let’s answer some questions!