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Eliot Lefebvre

Eliot Lefebvre — Eliot Lefebvre is a veteran of World of Warcraft from launch (well, a month after launch, fine) as well as a writer on Massively Overpowered (massivelyop.com) and on his personal site (eliot-lefebvre.com). He's fond of odd hybrid classes, lore, roleplaying, foxes, and giant robots. No cats are harmed in the making of his writing; they do, however, tend to get yelled at for being awful.

Totem Talk: Taking a look at major Enhancement glyphs

The only real update we're getting to our glyph layout is a new minor glyph, and while I really like Glyph of Ascendance it doesn't dramatically alter our major layout. So assuming you have Glyph of Totemic Encirclement, which is absolutely vital, let's take a look at the major Enhancement glyphs you can slot in while you're hacking away.

Breakfast Topic: What Overwatch character do you want to play?

We're starting to get a picture of how the various characters in Overwatch will play in combat.  Sure, we knew the character abilities before, but each of the gameplay previews shows those abilities in action rather than just in the abstract.  It's one thing to be told how McCree or Mercy will act in a match and what their weapons can do, but it's quite another to see them actually taking sides in battle and working with and against the other characters.

See master bowman Hanzo strut his stuff in Overwatch

It's like an ironclad rule of cinema that you should be afraid of the person bringing an anachronistic weapon to a fight.  Overwatch makes a point out of that with Hanzo, the master bowman, who is bringing a bow to a gunfight.  Your first instinct might be that Hanzo is going to be shot all of the times by enemies with high-powered rifles, but the law of drama states that instead Hanzo will be able to absolutely destroy his technologically superior foes with this admittedly very cool bow.

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