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Megan O'Neill

Megan O'Neill @_poneria — Megan likes setting Mages on felfire, cursing, soccer, writing, and occasionally slaughtering demons in Diablo 3. She's been playing her original Warlock since 2008 and raiding since tier 7. She beat the Warlock columnist curse and has advocated for Defense with the Dark Arts in other Warlock guides like at Wowhead and in the Official Warlords Strategy Guide.

Blood Pact: Warlock-themed battle pets

I've been getting into Pet Battles more because of Anna's brilliant to-the-point guides, and while I know there are better pets out there to use, I'm partial to expanding my army of demonic giraffes minions. Thankfully, most of these are drops I can farm rather than tameables out in the world, so it almost doesn't require pet battling skill at all.

Get into Diablo 3 with the basics

Three years later, despite the warnings that the Diablo franchise is the maker of computer mouse graveyards, my original 2-button mouse still lives, though I admit the plastic has worn off in two fingertip-shaped spots. I might not log into Diablo 3 every day like I do for WoW, but now at Blizzard Watch we have more space to talk about and share the game. We've got you covered (again) for learning the basics of Diablo 3.

Blood Pact: Patch 6.2 Warlock first thoughts

At first it looked like all I had to write about for the patch 6.2 warlock changes was that Demonology was nerfed pretty hard, but then I found some things like next tier's set bonuses and new demon models. So let's get to it. Mind you, the caveat about the PTR changing is always there, moreso now when we're at the beginning of the PTR.

Patch 6.2 Adventure Guide preview

The Adventure Guide looks new, but it's quite familiar -- it's the old Dungeon Journal with a new splash page of content suggestions. The Adventure Guide, like everything else on the PTR, is a work in progress and could change at any point. The Patch 6.2 notes for the Adventure Guide mention that "more information will be added as development continues."

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