Where did the Dragonriding Cups go?
Dragonriding was one of the box-features of the World of Warcraft: Dragonflight expansion.
Dungeon changes for The War Within add some strange new Affixes (but keep Sanguine)
World of Warcraft: The War Within gets the typical batch of new dungeons, but not too much will be changing in dungeons themselves — we're doing the same old thing, just in new places.
Moira and Dagran Thaurissan II star in new World of Warcraft short story The Lilac and the Stone
The World of Warcraft team released another short story from their upcoming collection The Voices Within, and in The Lilac and the Stone, Catherynne M.
How to complete Delves in The War Within for raid-level gear, your very own dirigible, and other rewards
Delves are a new instance activity introduced as a core aspect in World of Warcraft: The War Within.
WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria increases Thread and Bronze earnings, plus easier Emperor Shaohao reputation
With all the excitement of The War Within's release date announcement this past weekend it's easy to forget that WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria is still going and will continue right up until the week before TWW's release.
The schedule for testing the Nerub-ar Palace raid in The War Within beta is up!
The War Within beta season continues with raid testing -- but given the nature of raids, this is on a brief, quite tight timetable.
Blizzard targets tanks and healers using DPS trinkets in The War Within
The community quickly honed in on one change in the latest War Within beta patch notes: an adjustment that will cause tanks and healers to rethink their trinket choices.
Mists of Pandaria mounts can only be bought during WoW Remix
One of the most persistent and important questions in all of World of Warcraft history remains at the forefront of player's minds in the latest limited mode WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria -- do mounts drop from enemy mobs or enemies?
There’s no place like Stormwind: The new Human racial in The War Within
The Warbands announcement for World of Warcraft: The War Within was met with a ton of excitement from the community.
3 quality of life changes coming in World of Warcraft: The War Within
There's been a lot of hype around a lot of the major changes coming in World of Warcraft: The War Within -- and with good reason.