Arcane Sanctum: Keeping busy until Legion
The most exciting news this week is that since we last spoke, we have a release date for Legion!
Webcomic Wrapup: Legendary excitement
Can’t keep up with all of the great WoW-centric (and WoW-adjacent) webcomics out there?
BlizzCaps: I’m on a boat
"I was flying around Dragonblight when I came across this mysterious boat high in the mountains," writes submitter Zylocadabra of Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A).
Breakfast Topic: Repairing the damage
If you hadn't heard the (very spoilerific) news that Stormwind is finally getting its park fixed, then you're probably thinking, "It's finally being fixed?!" If you had heard the news already, though, then you've likely gotten over the surprise and moved onto other thoughts.
Watch us struggle with the Legion alpha being alpha
This week, the leveling stream team returned to the Legion alpha, where we fully intended to head to the Court of Stars.
Totem Talk: Enhancement Shaman before Legion and previous expansions
Well, it's happened now -- Legion has been dated and we know exactly when we're going to be getting our Burning Legion invasion.
Role Play: Fashion and roleplay
We've talked a lot about developing your character and interacting with other players -- the nuts and bolts of roleplay, both the creation aspects and the writing aspects.
BlizzCaps: The bear and the maiden fair
Submitter Ezri of Bladefist (US-A) writes, "I found out that with the Piccolo of the Flaming Fire, my hunter's bear dances with her, so I adapted 'Simon Smith and the Amazing Dancing Bear' by Randy Newman for my hunter and her bear: A Hunter and Her Amazing Dancing Bear I may go raid Hellfire if I acquire some flasks to share My hunter damage would add to the extra attacks of my dancing bear Ludicrous, amusing, gratuitous, confusing (more…)
Spiritual Guidance: Holy and Discipline Priest legendaries in Legion
The Legion alpha has been chugging along and one controversial addition has been random world legendaries.
BlizzCaps: Goodbye, cruel virtual world
"Our guild had just finished a Mythic Skyreach run when we started speculating about how far you could glide from the top platform," writes submitter Zylostout of Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A).