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The Queue: Back to School!

I popped in to a store to get more red hummingbird food (my local hummingbirds are spoiled brats) and was simultaneously surprised and overwhelmed that all the summer outdoors stuff has been shoved off into one little clearance corner, while the rest of the seasonal section is now devoted to back to school shopping. I should not have to compare notebook paper rule sizes while slathered in sunscreen.

This is The Queue, our daily column where you ask us questions and we’ll answer because why not, life is relentless anyway.

The Queue: Today is Canada’s day!

Happy Canada to you all! Here I am all decked out in the colours red and white in honour of our day. I even spelled honour and colour the right Canadian way and not the weird American way, editorial dictates be damned! (Sorry Liz, don’t fire me!)

Whether you’re Canadian or not, let’s all raise a glass of maple syrup, enjoy a doughnut, hold the door a little too long to let someone through, have a strong opinion about hockey, and say sorry if you bump into someone today.

While you all do that, it’s time for — The Queue!

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