4 Pet battle addons you need to download
There are dozens of pet battling addons out there, from the ones that improve your battling to those that just add a little bit of whimsy to your day. Here are four I love so much I suggest you download all of them right now.
Arcane Sanctum: Four simple ways to improve your mage DPS
Whether you’ve been playing a mage for a week or for years, there are usually things we can all do more efficiently to maximize our damage. There’s a big difference between theorycraft and practical damage. Many factors affect damage dealing execution: lag, reaction time, environmental hazards, RNG, and of course player error. Your damage is also dependent on your gear, spec and talent choice, but that’s not what we’re looking at this week. Instead, we’re considering ways that will allow any spec of mage to see an improvement in their damage immediately.
Locked and Loaded: Hunter Weak Auras to improve your gameplay
Today I’m going to share a bunch of hunter-specific weakauras with you that will improve your gameplay and increase awareness. If you aren’t currently using the addon, hopefully I will convince you to give it a shot. If you are using it, maybe you’ll find some helpful new weakauras in this post.
Breakfast Topic: The trouble with addons
I don't typically run with an elaborate addon configuration in World of Warcraft, and patch day is most of the reason why. It's not that I object to addons in any way, but I find it a nuisance to keep them up to date and working — especially when patch day rolls around. After all, the default UI is good enough... isn't it?