Get a free arena run and other rewards with Ahune’s Frost Festival, mortals
Not to be outdone by Ragnaros' Midsummer Fire Festival, Ahune has stepped in and initiated the Midsummer Frost Festival.
Latest WoW hotfixes address Tomb of Sargeras encounters and Ahune rewards
A few more hotfixes have come in for World of Warcraft, this time targeting several encounters in the Tomb of Sargeras raid as well as making small changes in a few other areas of the game.
Azeroth holidays need more stuff to kill
I can heard someone accusing me of hating fun even as I type this, and its true. I hate fun. From my black basalt throne, I drink a goblet of pain and despair and my ebon wings unfold, blotting out the sun as I plot the destruction of fun. That's why I play video games, my ceaseless and unabated hatred of fun.