Know Your Lore: Arakkoa as an Allied Race
What’s the difference between an Allied Race and simply a new race option?
Know Your Lore: Glory of the Gorian Empire
The Apexis empire collapsed in one violent, earth-shattering moment with the detonation of the Breath of Rukhmar.
Know Your Lore: Rise of the Apexis
Rukhmar created the Arakkoa both in memory of and as a tribute to Anzu’s sacrifice – but she never really discovered what happened to him after Sethe’s defeat.
Know Your Lore: Dawn of the Arakkoa
When the last of the Sporemounds was defeated, spores teeming with the Spirit of Life seeped into the rest of Draenor.
Breakfast Topic: The play’s the thing
“...wherein I’ll catch the conscience of the King.” Shakespearean quotes about angsty princes, murderous relatives and pensive ghosts aside, I’ve recently been reflecting on the fact that when we say goodbye to this expansion, we’ll also be saying goodbye to a large number of plotlines and stories that took place in Draenor.