Officers’ Quarters: Bad guild fits
For a guild alliance to work, the guilds have to be compatible.
Officers’ Quarters: Cold calculations and raiding standards
Sometimes as officers we have to make decisions that disappoint certain guild members. This week's OQ covers setting raiding standards for social raiders and the possibility of flexible mythic raids.
Officers’ Quarters: Dirty laundry
Is it okay to talk about a member's "dirty laundry" after they left? What about pugging progression bosses outside your guild's raids? What can you do if you think your officers promoted the wrong person? This week's OQ has the answers!
Officers’ Quarters: Persons of interest
Person A versus Person B is a conflict. Throw Person B's significant other into the mix and you have a quagmire. This week on Officers' Quarters, we've got gquits, drama, and a dash of cybercrime.
Officers’ Quarters: One on one
This week's questions all revolve around having one-on-one conversations with your players. What's the best approach? Read on to find out!
Officers’ Quarters: Horridon level is hard
Horridon still gives me nightmares. But before we get to that, we have questions about recruiting and about a trio of raiders who refuse to raid unless they can all participate -- and with their preferred specs. We also have an in-depth question about the proper progression path in Warlords and how it has affected raid morale.