What’s happening to Calia Menethil in Shadowlands, and how did she get there?
Spoilers for the Shadowlands expansion in this post.
Who will lead the Forsaken in Shadowlands?
When we saw the Maw open up on the Shadowlands alpha, a lot of us noticed Calia Menethil conspicuously standing over by the Horde leaders.
What should the fallout from Battle for Azeroth’s story be?
I keep thinking about the Forsaken following Battle for Azeroth.
The Shadowlands alpha is still an alpha, so don’t take datamining too seriously
Forsaken are not going to knit a sweater and a tea cozy for the living any time soon.
What race should you play in WoW Classic?
Back in the day -- "the day" being late 2004 to early 2007, when World of Warcraft didn't have any expansions yet -- the choice of what race to play was a lot simpler and also a ton more complicated.
Know Your Lore TFH: The lost origins of Hallow’s End
What do we know about Hallow's End?
Patch 8.1 is bringing us a Darkshore Warfront — and it’s important for more than just the fact that it’s new content
If, like me, you play as a Night Elf or a Forsaken, you lost something in the lead up to Battle for Azeroth.
Know Your Lore: Shadows of Lordaeron
Those pesky servers are still down -- catch up on all that Battle for Azeroth-related story with another encore Know Your Lore!
Last chance to enter to win a copy of Before the Storm by Christie Golden
Today is the official release day for Before the Storm, the latest World of Warcraft novel by Christie Golden.
Before the Storm rips our hearts out in the best way possible – a spoiler-free review
Where do we go when we’re gone – and what if the answer is just a continent away?