Know Your Lore: Genn Greymane and Gilneas
“Never take a man’s hand, son…’tis always better to stand tall on your own.
Know Your Lore: Darius Crowley, Lorna Crowley, and Gilneas
Lord Darius Crowley likely never meant to be a hero.
Know Your Lore: Nathanos Marris, the Blightcaller
Before the coming of the Scourge, led by Prince Arthas Menethil, only one Human was considered worthy enough by the High Elves of Quel'Thalas that he gained entry into the Farstriders, the elite Rangers of Silvermoon.
Know Your Lore: The future of the Forsaken
Sylvanas Windrunner had a choice to make at the end of Wrath of the Lich King, and initially, she chose oblivion.
Role Play: Humans and age in roleplay
When it comes to age and timelines in roleplay, there's some overlap with certain races. Humans and worgen go hand in hand, and the Forsaken were also at one point human. This means that when you're considering creating one of these three character races, you can pretty much look to the same timeline -- with a few adjustments for where said character grew up, lived, or died, of course.