Guild Leadership
Officers’ Quarters: Kick and tell
When a guild member leaves under less-than-sunny circumstances, the best thing to do is often just to learn from it and move on.
Officers’ Quarters: Four ways Blizzard can help guilds
Many players are generally unhappy with Legion's most recent patch, 7.2.
Officers’ Quarters: 6 qualities of a good officer
As Legion rolls along, many guilds are experiencing turnover in their rosters.
Officers’ Quarters: Legion and raider morale
Back in December, I told raid leaders not to blame themselves for poor raid attendance.
Officers’ Quarters: Guild election controversy
The world isn't sick of hearing about elections yet, right?
Officers’ Quarters: Recruiting during the Legion subscriber surge
This week, Tom Chilton told Polish gaming magazine PIXEL that WoW is back up over the 10 million subscribers mark.
Officers’ Quarters: Managing Legion’s loot system
This week's question was a rather straightforward request.
Officers’ Quarters: The repentant quitter and the wandering officer
This week we have two questions.
Officers’ Quarters: Retiring from a Mythic guild
This week's question comes from Twitter: [question][from]@briangstp asked[/from][body]Best way to let my current Mythic guild know that for Legion I will be switching to another raid w/friends?
Officers’ Quarters: Ranked raider perks
In this week's question, an officer wants suggestions about incentives to offer his highest-ranked raiders.