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Kassandra Of Sparta

The Queue: It’s still the best AC game

Yes, this is purely my opinion, art and game quality are both subjective, others may prefer a different game. I know all that. I also know that I’ve now played quite a few Assassin’s Creed games, and for me, the best one hands down is Odyssey. It’s three years old and it’s still the one I play the most, by a long margin. I played and liked Valhalla — Eivor’s a cool protagonist, I have no beef with her — but for me Odyssey is absolutely my favorite of the entire series, and it’s not even close.

And since it’s nearly the end of 2021, I felt like a replay was in order. So I’m back flinging myself off cliffs, playing the new DLC for both Odyssey and Valhalla, and generally having a grand time doing it.

The Queue: The sun hat is essential

Kassandra wouldn’t be caught dead going on vacation without it.

Y’all, the new Odyssey DLC is wild. It really puts a spotlight on Kassandra’s role in the greater lore of the franchise and gives me hope that they might eventually reveal she’s not as dead as we think she is. But even if they don’t, it’s still a really cool little DLC. I’ll be trying the Valhalla one next, will report on that next chance I get.

It’s the Queue. I am so very tired. It’s -29 C outside my house today and it’s gonna get colder all week.

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