How can I get early access to Demon Hunters?
Demon Hunters are available for play on August 9th in North America if you digitally pre-ordered Legion.
Do my Artifacts share Artifact Power?
No, they do not.
How do I get from the Broken Isles to the rest of Azeroth?
First off, Dalaran itself contains many portals.
What happened to glyphs?
The glyph UI has been removed along with nearly all major and minor glyphs.
Where do I train Legion professions?
All Legion professions can be trained in Dalaran.
Where do I get world quests in WoW: Legion?
World quests will appear on your world map automatically as soon as you hit level 110.
Druid Legion Guardian Artifact FAQ: Where is Lea Stonepaw?
If you are on the Druid Guardian artifact quest you are likely having trouble finding Lea Stonepaw.