Watch us play through the Legion beta introduction experience
In a fortuitous turn of events, Legion beta servers were up and running during our usual stream time!
Legion or Draenor: WoW livestream on Twitch at 2pm Central
While we'd like to say with certainty that we'll be romping around on the Legion beta today, we just don't know if that's actually going to happen or not -- Blizzard seems to be keen on releasing builds on Thursdays.
Drink Your Biscuits: WoW Leveling Bonanza Episode 46
Unfortunately, the powers that be decided a new beta build was in order just as we were about to begin our latest leveling stream, so we weren't able to go to the Legion beta like we wanted to.
Back to the beta: WoW livestream on Twitch at 2pm Central
The Legion beta's been out for a few weeks now, and it's high time we head back into the fray and see what there is to see.
Frog Squeezing and Pantless Dancing: WoW Leveling Bonanza Episode 45
At last!
Shadowmoon Shenanigans: WoW livestream on Twitch at 2pm Central
Embaari Village might not have had the warmest of welcomes for our intrepid band of travelers, but it certainly gave us plenty to do -- and the rest of Shadowmoon Valley awaits.
A Warm Welcome: WoW Leveling Bonanza Episode 44
We didn't quite start out where expected in our latest leveling stream, but we decided that getting Alex the Draenor Pathfinder achievement would be a good thing to knock out of the way.
Universal discord: WoW livestream on Twitch at 2pm Central
Remember those wonderful days in which we carefully side-stepped destiny and avoided doing anything really terrible in Pandaria at all?
Breaking Time and Space: WoW Leveling Bonanza Episode 43
One last push in Pandaria was all that was needed on our latest leveling stream -- after tackling one last round of dungeons and picking up a new pet for Anne, everyone hit level 90.
Important decisions: WoW livestream on Twitch at 2pm Central
This week, the leveling stream heads back to Pandaria -- but at level 89, it's a good question as to how much longer we'll actually be in Pandaria.