Magatha Grimtotem
What World of Warcraft villain had the best overall arc?
Yesterday, I asked about WoW Villains who didn't get as much development as we might have wanted.
Where is your leveling journey taking you?
Allied Races have done the impossible, and made my reputation-grinding obsession actually come in handy.
Totem Talk: Return of the Grimtotem
Greetings fellow totem family, and welcome back to Totem Talk.
Know Your Lore: The wrath of Sylvanas Windrunner
We looked at her life, her death, and her rise to become the Banshee Queen.
Know Your Lore: Baine Bloodhoof
Baine Bloodhoof certainly wasn't a high-profile leader in Warlords of Draenor, nor was he more than a minor character in the events presented in Mists.