Making Gold
Want gold in WoW Classic? Grab your fishing pole and get these valuable fish
Fishing is one of the secondary professions that no one really thinks about, but it's vital in supporting the other professions.
Gold sinks aren’t to remove gold, they’re to keep people playing
Update: This was originally published just for our supporters, but now it's available for everyone.
How to get started with gold-making in World of Warcraft
There’s no two ways about it: getting ahead in WoW costs serious coin, which can be tricky to gather, especially if you’re just getting started. We'll help you out, whether you're level 1 or level 100.
Breakfast Topic: Do you craft items to sell?
My main is a jewelcrafter and an engineer, and neither of these professions were learned for anything other than giving myself a boost. I've had engineering since I created the character back in Burning Crusade, but I've flipped my secondary profession around a few different times to something I felt would be useful -- in Wrath I had leatherworking for a short period of time. I seem to have settled on jewelcrafting as a semi-permanent one for now though, mostly because I always need gems for something.