The Queue: It’s always about the Naga
Naga as a future playable race is the World of Warcraft rumor that just won’t die… at least not until we have playable Naga.
And so we endure, somehow, through this dark and dire time in which we are locked into playing bipedal characters. Alas!
Know Your Lore: The Sin’dorei and the Alliance
For the roots of the divide between the few remaining High Elves and the Blood Elves, we must go back to two figures -- Kael'thas Sunstrider and Garithos, self-proclaimed Grand Marshal of the few remaining Alliance forces in the region after Prince Arthas Menethil's betrayal of his father and his kingdom to the Scourge.
Know Your Lore: Night Elves, High Elves, Blood Elves, and the Nightborne
All Elves on Azeroth today date back to the ancient Kaldorei who rose to power before the Sundering.