The Queue: Yes!
Life can be complicated at times, but it can also be simple if you just make an effort to take a step back and look at things from an outside perspective.
This is The Queue, your column that’s always here — at this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the internet, localized entirely within your browser of choice.
The Queue: Hey, kids, Comics! Are often terrible!
Yeah, this one was a doozy all told. Yerac wants to hear my thoughts about a famous comic book writer and artist who wrote some really yikes stuff, and so, they get their wish.
I didn’t even mention all the cheesecake and exploitation he did with She-Hulk, because compared to this, that stuff was tame.
The Queue: Give me reason to prove me wrong, to wash this memory clean
Finally got the legendary memory off of Stone Generals, and a cape, so that was good. Unfortunately I upgraded the legendary I had and so I don’t have the soul ash to make a new legendary, but I can run Torghast and get that out of the way at least. Yay for Signet of Tormented Kings. Boo for missing so many raid nights that this was the first time I killed those two.
Anyway, just Denathrius next, and that’s exciting, hopefully we kill him this week.
This is the Queue. Let’s talk about stuff.
The Queue: One of these things just doesn’t belong
It had to end. It had to end. I have too many screenshots of my various Warriors I wasn’t going to get to use for a Queue header because of that Chaddius. It had to end. I was getting the shakes from not showing off my latest shirtless transmog!
It had to end, and it has, the only way it could.
This is the Queue. Chaddius has left the building.