Diablo’s Season 23 follower update is a lot of fun (and a neat way to help solve a few issues we didn’t realize it would)
Multiplayer sessions of Diablo 3 are a grand old time, but sometimes, you want to go it alone for smashing loot piñatas.
Tips on handling and delivering gameplay criticism
After you waited to get into that one dungeon, the group gets going but has a little trouble on the first boss-- and then someone starts criticizing your play.
This raiding tier is not fun for a number of reasons. Is casual raiding dying?
My guild will never, ever get an Ahead of the Curve achievement.
Sorry, mount collectors, but the Big Love Rocket will only drop for players who are 110+
Look forward to another year without a Big Love Rocket, because it's about to get harder to get your holiday mounts.
Is there a point to Recruit-A-Friend anymore?
This was originally published just for our supporters on Patreon, but now it's available for everyone.
🔒 WoW is the work of many storytellers, and that’s what makes it great
Recently, I saw a person talking about World of Warcraft and Blizzard's storytelling who was not particularly complimentary.
Remembering WoW Classic: The Warrior class in Vanilla
Okay, I tend to be anti nostalgia as a rule.
🔒 You are not playing the same game
You are not playing the same game.
Battle.net: Its 21-year past and continued future
Battle.net has had some tumultuous times over its existence. This November 30 Battle.net will turn 21, and like any service that old it's evolved and grown with the times. It started as basically a chat bot and matchmaking system and has changed over time as the industry changed. To be fair, some of those changes were in response to it, or could even be said to be in mimicry of it -- lots of companies over the years have taken the basic idea of Battle.net and run with it.
🔒 Is Blizzard too focused on multiplayer gaming?
Right now, it's fair to say that there isn't a single Blizzard game that doesn't at the least contain a strong multiplayer component.