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Patch Notes

WoW Patch 6.2 PTR patch notes update for April 29

A new release of patch 6.2 PTR patch note updates are now available, including several changes to professions and some tweaks to PVP. Alchemy, Fishing, Herbalism, Mining and Skinning all have new updates introduced, and all three gathering professions are now able to sometimes find Felblight, the new crafting reagent, while gathering materials in Tanaan Jungle.

Blood Pact: Patch 6.2 Warlock first thoughts

At first it looked like all I had to write about for the patch 6.2 warlock changes was that Demonology was nerfed pretty hard, but then I found some things like next tier's set bonuses and new demon models. So let's get to it. Mind you, the caveat about the PTR changing is always there, moreso now when we're at the beginning of the PTR.

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