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The Queue: Khadcar

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!

I got a new car over the weekend — well, a used car, but new to me. It’s very fancy and has a dashboard display that lets me set my own wallpaper. Khadgar is there now. He’ll live there forever…or at least until the next owner of this vehicle discovers him upon purchasing it. It’s like a terrifying, real-world mobile Wondrous Wisdomball!

…I really like this car.

The Queue: Droomba

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!

I’m at that really annoying point in most legendary chains where you have to farm things for several weeks. Of course, the upside to this is that I’m basically vacuuming fire from the corpses of my slain enemies. I’m not sure if this is what the Guardians of Hyjal meant by “cleaning up the Firelands,” but I’ll take it.

The Queue: The ol’ razzle dazzle

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!

I forgot that sometimes, Ragnaros has legs. You know, it’s a little weird how much less intimidating he seems when he can stand up and walk around. Blob of animate lava goo? Unnerving and a little scary. Big humanoid lava dude? Suddenly strangely comical. No idea why!

The Queue: The worst Druid

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!

I’m pretty sure whalloping sleeping seal Druids is gonna get me kicked out of the Cenarion Circle right quick. And I doubt they’re going to take my industrious beak-clubbing technique into consideration, either. Or the fact that I felt really guilty about doing it.

The Queue: Let’s play

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!

I don’t know what kind of game these guys are playing in Shal’Aran, but it looks absolutely fascinating. Sort of a 3D floating chess kind of thing. Can we get this in game please? It looks like something my jewelcrafting Rogue would enjoy making, I’m just saying!

The Queue: Hello nice dragon

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!

It’s rare these days that I find quests I’ve never done before. Usually it takes a new patch, or the launch of a new expansion. But I realized a week or two ago that I’d never actually completed the legendary quest chain for Tarecgosa, so I decided to see what that one was like. I mean, I liked the Rogue legendary quest a lot — would this one hold the same appeal?

Well so far I’ve collected a lot of small bits and been thoroughly berated by the aforementioned Tarecgosa, who took our first meeting as an opportunity to call me an idiot.

I like her. So the answer is, yes, for now. We’ll see as the quests continue — can’t really barrel through them all at once when they’re reliant on raid resets and all.

The Queue: Eggramar

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!

No yolk you guys, I may have cracked and mislaid my original Queue header for today. But while I was scrambling and thinking over easy ways to whisk up a new one, I remembered that eggstraordinary NPC in Krokuun who will happily replay any Argus cinematic, and I hatched a plan to exeggcute what is probably one of the best screenshots I’ve taken to date. I’m so glad I didn’t chicken out and scratch this idea.

Omelette you absorb this, but before you start showering me with what I’m sure will be several dozen eggcellent accolades, let me answer your questions, okay?

The Queue: Why the turtle though

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!

While doing the umpteenth run through of Suramar’s quest chain, I happened to look up at the right moment and notice…this painting. It’s a turtle, but it’s a glowing turtle. And sure, those candles could be just for more reading light, but they almost look like a shrine to the glowing turtle. What’s the turtle for? Why’s it glowing? Most importantly, why is this not a Battle Pet already? Inquiring minds want to know, Blizzard.

You guys also have some inquiring minds, so let’s just answer your questions while we’re here, sans turtle-confusion.

The Queue: A very good kitty

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!

Not only did I finally get a Monk to 110 over the weekend, I managed to complete the Monk class mount quests while I was at it. I’m pretty sure this has been my favorite class mount chain so far — I really enjoyed returning to Pandaria for a little while. And Ban-Lu is basically the best mount I could ask for. He says hello every time I summon him! He doesn’t have wings, he just…floats!

He’s an excellent kitty. I like him a lot. But let’s get to your questions!

The Queue: Sanctuary

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!

The Rogue Class Hall in the Underbelly is a safe haven for Rogues actively avoiding being turkeyfied…unless their fellow Rogues happen to be toting a turkey-shooter. Fun story though — the whole Class Hall is full of Rogues, yet you can’t actually shoot any NPCs. I mean…a Rogue is a Rogue, right Blizzard?

Come on. Griftah’s been asking for it all expansion. Lemme make him gobble gobble.

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