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Role Play: Character tropes to avoid

When you're putting together your character concept, one of the things you want to think about is just how many people you'd like to roleplay with, and if the character you've made is the kind of character that will repel more than it will attract interaction. With that in mind, there are a few fairly common character tropes that you might want to avoid when creating a character.

Role Play: Getting along on roleplaying realms

Roleplaying is one of those activities that not everyone actually participates in -- in fact, the majority of people playing World of Warcraft are simply playing to do PVE or PVP content. Roleplaying is kind of niche content in that way, and although it isn't actively promoted by Blizzard, they do have realms available for roleplayers. While there's nothing stopping you from roleplaying on a PVE or PVP server, you're apt to find a lot more roleplayers on the realms that have been specifically designated for that purpose.

Role Play: Roleplaying addons

If you've got your character set and you're ready to begin roleplaying in game, you might want to take a moment to look for roleplaying addons. While you wouldn't think addons would be a requirement of roleplaying, of all things, there are actually several options out there that serve as incredibly useful tools.

Role Play: Warcraft history and roleplaying character development

When creating a character for roleplay, an almost immediate gut reaction is to incorporate as much of Warcraft's vast tapestry of history into your character's own background as humanly possible. After all, some races are so deeply entrenched in Warcraft's lore it seems almost necessary to plot and plan out exactly what happened to your character during each and every war.

Role Play: Tauren and age in roleplay

The tauren race is one of the more interesting prospects for roleplay, even if they might not seem like it at first glance. In the last ten years or so of Azeroth's history, the tauren have arguably seen more turmoil than any other race on Azeroth. They haven't just witnessed wars and conflict, they've uprooted their entire way of life from the ground up and watched it shift and buckle around them -- for both good and bad.

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