RP Guilds
Role Play: Roleplaying on non-roleplay realms
Last week we addressed the topic of non-roleplayers that make the move to roleplaying realms.
Role Play: Non-roleplayers on roleplay realms
Sometimes roleplayers have other interests like competitive raiding or PVP.
Role Play: When styles collide
There are a wide variety of roleplaying guilds, groups, and organizations out there in World of Warcraft.
Role Play: Making friends with roleplay
One of the single most difficult aspects of roleplay for many players is simply the act of finding people to roleplay with.
Role Play: Running a roleplay event
One on one roleplay is the easiest kind to participate in – largely because you’re just working with one other person’s schedule.
Role Play: Immersing yourself in roleplay
World of Warcraft isn’t exactly a game that makes itself conducive to roleplaying.
Role Play: Ending roleplay
Sometimes you’re just not feeling it – or sometimes life just happens to get in the way.
Role Play: Roleplaying and time investment
This week’s column addresses a question from a commenter who wonders just how much of a time investment is involved with roleplaying.
Role Play: Finding a roleplaying guild
Roleplaying is pretty much a social activity.