Know Your Lore: Ogres as an Allied Race
People have been suggesting Ogres as a playable race ever since Burning Crusade -- but how likely are they as an option?
Know Your Lore: Gul’dan and the Burning Legion
Gul'dan has a long and storied history in World of Warcraft -- after all, his betrayal of Ner'zhul and subsequent takeover of the original Horde is what brought the Orcs to Azeroth in the first place.
Know Your Lore: Blackhand, Warchief of the Horde
This weekend, attendees of the San Diego Comic Con are going to get a good look at the trailer for the Warcraft movie.
Know Your Lore: Orgrim Doomhammer
In a little over a year, we're going to see a third iteration of Orgrim Doomhammer in the Warcraft movie. Maybe not exactly the orc we know from history, but another representation. Which leads most people to ask a natural question: Is Orgrim Doomhammer a good guy, or a bad guy? The most truthful answer I can give you is "Yes."
Know Your Lore: The unsettling puzzle of Garona Halforcen
In Warlords of Draenor, we meet a different Garona, one whose origins began on this alternate version of Draenor. Oddly enough, no mention is made of her past, a past which was unusual to say the least in our version of history, and it appears that whatever ties she had to Maraad don't exist on this world. Which makes one wonder -- where did she come from?
Know Your Lore: Garona and the Horde
Half-breed. This is by far Garona's most distinguishing feature - half-orc, half-draenei, but inexplicably led to believe she was half-human for a period of time. She never knew her mother, prematurely aged and molded into a tool of the Shadow Council, an assassin on command.
Know Your Lore: The Third Host