The War Within Season 2
Liberation of Undermine Race to World First, day 6: Stopped by Stix Bunkjunker
The weekend in the Race to World First for Liberation of Undermine has seen quite a few more guilds jump into the Mythic race...
What are (or were) you doing first in The War Within’s Undermined content update?
The long-awaited passage to Undermine is finally open, and the first major batch of post-launch The War Within content is live.
Everything you need to know about Delves in The War Within Season 2
The addition of Delves as soloable end game content in The War Within has been largely welcomed by the playerbase, so it's no surprise that we'll be getting some new Delves, refreshes on old Delves, and other tweaks and improvements when patch 11.1 drops on February 25.
The War Within Season 2 makes gearing more accessible than ever before
It's almost time for World of Warcraft players to dive into the second season of The War Within, Undermine(d)!
Ranking the Liberation of Undermine tier set looks from best to worst
We are rapidly approaching the first major content update of The War Within, where the heroes of Azeroth will explore a new underground city, battle against a foe we haven't seen in quite some time, and -- most importantly -- collect this season's hot new fashion looks.
Brann’s fashion sense is bringing a Hataclysm to Delves in season 2 of The War Within
With The War Within patch 11.1 Undermine(d) arriving, we are moving into Season 2 Delves.
The War Within Season 2 begins in March — here’s when you can dive into each and every new tier of content in WoW patch 11.1
By this point, your average World of Warcraft player has thoroughly saved the island of Khaz Algar during The War Within.
Sweeping changes to Mythic+ in The War Within Season 2 aim to alleviate frustration and punishment
There have been lots of changes to the Mythic+ experience already in The War Within, many of which are responses to direct feedback from prior seasons as Blizzard continues working on smoothing out Mythic+ as a full-fledged endgame pillar.
A quick look at the changes for The War Within Season 2 dungeons
World of Warcraft patch 11.1 is on the PTR, and Mythic+ dungeon testing is set to commence tomorrow and continue for 6 weeks.
The War Within Season 2 will add two new Delves, extend Brann Bronzebeard’s contract
During the World of Warcraft segment of this week's Warcraft 30th Anniversary Direct we got a short rundown of changes coming in Delves in Season 2.