Wow Rp Guide
Role Play: Identifying red flags in roleplay
Roleplaying is at its heart an intensely creative exercise that you share with other people.
Role Play: Plot points in Legion so far
Roleplaying over the course of an expansion can take a few different forms.
Role Play: Making friends with roleplay
One of the single most difficult aspects of roleplay for many players is simply the act of finding people to roleplay with.
Role Play: Running a roleplay event
One on one roleplay is the easiest kind to participate in – largely because you’re just working with one other person’s schedule.
Role Play: Immersing yourself in roleplay
World of Warcraft isn’t exactly a game that makes itself conducive to roleplaying.
Role Play: Ending roleplay
Sometimes you’re just not feeling it – or sometimes life just happens to get in the way.
Role Play: Fashion and roleplay
We've talked a lot about developing your character and interacting with other players -- the nuts and bolts of roleplay, both the creation aspects and the writing aspects.
Role Play: Taking a roleplaying break
We had a pretty good question on this week's podcast regarding how to handle taking breaks in roleplaying -- whether or not you weave breaks from WoW into the narrative of your character.
Role Play: When lore breaks roleplay
The title of this column might seem a little odd to some.
Role Play: Roleplaying on non-RP servers
When I first began playing World of Warcraft back in 2004, I didn't have a clear idea of exactly how to play the game.