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Discussion > Heroes of the StormApr 22, 2015 8:00 am CT

Breakfast Topic: Are you excited for the pending Heroes of the Storm launch?

This week, we received word that Heroes of the Storm would officially lose its beta monicker on June 2nd. Prior to that, there will be an open beta beginning May 19th.

Heroes of the Storm is not Blizzard’s first foray into eSports; however, it has been highly anticipated due to its early beginnings as a custom StarCraft 2 map simply named Blizzard DOTA. Following this, it had been named Blizzard All-Stars, until finally, we have what is likely not its final form: Heroes of the Storm, a game which — true to Blizzard’s style — hardly takes itself seriously.

As a skirmisher, one would initially compare it to League of Legends or Heroes of Newerth, but the game honestly stands alone in its movement away from a dependence upon items, integrating a talent system that is reminiscent of (yet different from) the original Warcraft 3 hero talents (in Warcraft 3, this was typically referred to as the Ability Tree).

Have you been able to jump into the Heroes action? If not, what excites you the most about the upcoming launch?

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