Breakfast Topic: Have you done any prep work for patch 6.2?

I don’t usually do a lot of preparation work going into new patches, other than making sure I’ve crossed everything off the list that I really wanted from the old patch. For patch 6.2, my priorities have changed a little — I went to the trouble of putting a Trading Post in my garrison, specifically for the reputation boost. Since flying is going to require some reputation grinding, I figured I might as well give myself a little boost from the get-go, right? I was hoping this also might chew up some of the garrison resources I have stockpiled, since I’m sitting at cap with nothing to do with the things, right now.
Other than that, I haven’t really done a whole lot of prep work — this expansion has been an exercise in playing as a fairly casual sort of player, rather than going all-in with raiding like I have with almost every other expansion to date. I think if I were still an avid raider, I might be more interested in making sure all my gear is up to date and ready to go, but as it is I think I’m sitting pretty good with what I have, and my ilvl is just fine for getting into Hellfire Citadel LFR once it opens. So there isn’t really a lot of prep work to do, honestly. I still have some Apexis missions to finish out for the appropriate achievement, but I’ll likely handle those over the weekend, and then I’m good to go.
What about you guys? Have you done any prep work for patch 6.2? Are there certain things you do to get ready for a patch? Have you gotten all the achievements you wanted to get, or are there still some last minute things you want to take care of?
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