The Queue: Back to normal (ish)

Team Blizzard Watch has returned from the wilds of Southern California, which means we’re back on a regular (ish) Queue schedule. And by “regular (ish)” I mean that Rossi is finally getting some days off from Queue duty. Unfortunately, that means you’re stuck with me today and tomorrow.
That said, let’s get on to today’s Q&A session!
To clarify: do non-preorders get a boost, too? Or is that not confirmed? Ty!
Yep! As other commenters mentioned, this isn’t just a pre-order special — though if you pre-order you will get your boost early. You’ll note that the boost to 100 is listed under Legion features on the official website, which means it should come with he game whenever you buy it.
Q4TQ: Are you getting The League of Explorers on Thursday?
Absolutely! While I’ve personally enjoyed the raid dungeon scenarios of previous Hearthstone adventures, I’m glad they’re shaking the format up before it started to get stale. This adventure takes us somewhere new, with places and characters we haven’t previously met in Warcraft — and that seems to give more opportunity for Hearthstone to put its own lighthearted spin on the world.
Sure, Hearthstone‘s given a lighthearted spin to Blackrock Mountain and Naxxramas, but here the game has an opportunity to build something from scratch… and that something not only looks like a fun new part of Warcraft mythos, it’s also gameplay that’s unexpected from a card game. I’m really looking forward to playing it — and seeing just where Hearthstone goes next.
But wherever it goes, I hope it features Ben Brode in a pith helmet again.
Third QFTQ: Any looked at the class previews and gone “hmm…maybe I’ll change to that class/spec?” I know it’s early, but I’m really interested in the Holy Pally changes. Disc too, but I r already Disc.
I’ve pretty much decided I want to switch my main every time a new preview is released. Fortunately I haven’t acted on it yet, or I’d be dizzy with alts. Today, though, I’m seriously looking at Holy Paladins. Holydin was my main through Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King, but I ditched it early in Cataclysm because the class changes — and the introduction of Holy Power — turned it into a class that was suddenly awfully foreign to me.
But with Holy Power gone… maybe it’s time to return to my old, plate-wearing favorite.
Q4tQ: Who do you think the next Hero to be put in Heroes (after Greymane etc) would be?
Before StarCraft 2: Legacy of the Void came out, Blizzard went on a StarCraft-centric heroes streak in Heroes of the Storm — and I wonder if they might not do the same for Overwatch and Legion. Sure, both of those titles are a long way out, but the hype machine has already pulled out of the station, so why not add to it with new heroes?
They let us know at BlizzCon that Tracer was in early development, and Overwatch would open a whole world of new characters to add. And Legion will feature a whole cast of characters — including Genn Greymane — who aren’t yet in Heroes. Gul’dan was strongly hinted at, but what about Maiev? Xavius? Anduin? There are lots of options here, and after doing a string of Diablo and StarCraft characters, either Warcraft or Overwatch (or both!) seem a likely next step.
what was your favorite Blizzcon moment? Doesn’t have to directly related to a game, just the besr thing that happened
For all the awesome stuff I saw at BlizzCon this year, it’s not even a hard choice: it was the voice actor’s stage. It doesn’t matter which panel you go to — and since they usually don’t announce guests in advance, it’s a bit of a crapshoot as to who you’ll see — but everyone there is ridiculously passionate about the characters they help bring to life, the work they do, and the fans who have come out to see them. You cannot help but walk away from a panel at the VA stage infused with love and joy.
Also this year Jennifer Hale was there and Restokin brought me a cup of coffee. Best BlizzCon!
That’s all for today’s Queue, but I’ll be back tomorrow to answer more of your questions, so be sure to leave them in the comments.
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