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The QueueDec 26, 2015 11:00 am CT

The Queue: Winter wonderland

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!

Well I don’t know about the rest of you, but the weather here decided to give us a white Christmas and dump a truckload of snow over the course of the day. On the one hand it’s very pretty, on the other I have places to be this weekend that are kind of contingent upon my getting the car out of the driveway, so I’m hoping it disappears in the next 24 hours or so. But hey! Another day, another Queue, and more questions to answer, right? Let’s get to those.


Do you think it’s okay in WoW to RP a rogue as a “Wild West” type of character, or is that too out there?

Absolutely! An outlaw is an outlaw is an outlaw — and with the new Outlaw spec in Legion, it’s really not that far of a stretch. The only things I’d avoid are using common “Wild West” colloquialisms/tropes in your character’s speech, just because Azeroth didn’t exactly have an equivalent to that particular period of our history. But hey, you want to play a gunslinger? Go ahead and play a gunslinger. Sounds like fun to me!


And I want fewer classes, not more, for Xmas from WoW. Our classes and their specs would be more unique and flavorful. Perhaps a Rogue with Demon Hunter and Monk specs? Maybe a Warrior with Paladin and Death Knight specs? Getting the picture?

I don’t think they’d do cross-classes like that, just because it feels like, to me anyway, that would muddle the playing field of class balance a little too much. I agree with your sentiment about new classes, though. Honestly, I absolutely love the Demon Hunter, it plays beautifully, but every time we get a new class, it means having to choose between the beloved character I’ve been leveling and playing since Burning Crusade, or the new cool class that everyone is playing. I don’t…really want to have to make that choice, and I really don’t want to roll a brand new character and level it all over again — I’d rather see more focus on the class I really love playing.

Legion seems to be doing just that, on top of giving us a new class, so I’m happy enough with what I’m seeing on the alpha so far.


Q4TQ: Any good loot this year? I got a fitbit so now I can see whether raiding or pvp makes my heart rate go higher.

My family is doing Christmas next week due to scheduling conflicts, so I haven’t gotten anything from them just yet. However, I did get the most adorable plush nug from my Secret Santa, and I’m thoroughly enchanted with it.


Q4tQ: anyone else find it weird the only Nephilim not included in Heroes is the Wizard? I know we have Jaina and Kael’thas, but they are respectively a Frost mage and a Fire Mage/Destro Warlock and the Wizard could be Arcane with appropriate abilities.

Keep in mind that they aren’t necessarily done adding Diablo heroes to Heroes of the Storm just yet. But you’re right in that they already have a “wizard” style character with Jaina. I don’t think they focus on making things “fair” when adding new heroes, so much as choosing characters that offer a unique playstyle that hasn’t already been filled by someone else, and have the cool factor that makes people want to play them.

Sure, you could make the Diablo Wizard play with an Arcane-themed toolset, but at the end of the day, are they offering anything unique other than what Jaina already offers? Or is it just a re-skinned version of Jaina’s toolkit with an Arcane feel? If it’s the former, then sure, they could pursue that. If it’s the latter, well…in that case just make a new skin for Jaina and re-color her spellkit to a purple Arcane theme.


Q4tQ: What are you going to do first when hitting level 110? I suspect I’ll probably go back to MoP raids and see if they’re easily soloable yet.

Usually when I hit max level the first thing I do is go find the nearest vendor and sell off every quest reward or item I don’t actually need anymore. This is just to clear my bags out, because they tend to get crammed pretty full while I’m leveling. However, the Wardrobe feature in Legion may actually make that trip much less of a necessity than usual. So…I don’t know, not yet anyway! I’ll have to find something new to do. Checking out those old Mists raids sounds like a cool idea, though!


My life for auir or for the horde???

I’ve actually been on kind of a sci-fi kick lately, so I’m leaning towards Aiur!

That’s it for today’s Queue — if you have any questions you’d like to see answered, be sure to leave them in the comments below!

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