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DiscussionMar 19, 2016 8:00 am CT

Breakfast Topic: How long do you take a break from games?

I love Blizzard games. I play them all. Yes, even StarCraft and a little bit of Overwatch (ugh, first person shooters.) But there comes a point where I burn out on a title and have to take a break. Sometimes a very extended break and then I come back refreshed and ready to enjoy the game again. How long that break lasts seems to depend on the title.

I’ve played World of Warcraft since it launched in 2004 and enjoyed it consistently usually only losing interest towards the end of each expansion when there was a big content drought before the next expansion hit. Like, you know, now. The exception was a two year break I took from the beginning of Cataclysm to late Pandaria.

For both Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm I just came back from a two month break from both of those titles. Whispers of the Old Gods has me excited for Hearthstone again and I’m back to farming gold through weekly Tavern Brawls to buy extra packs for when the expansion drops. As for Heroes, the two latest heroes Xul and Li-Ming are quite fun and I find myself ignoring daily quests just to play them.

I haven’t found the interest to return to Diablo 3 yet, despite the shiny new Season rewards. I haven’t drifted back to playing through the bulk of the StarCraft: Legacy of the Void missions I abandoned early on either. Though the Nova Covert Ops mission pack coming out on March 29th may spark my interest in finishing the main game given there isn’t much to do in WoW at the moment and the Hearthstone expansion isn’t launching until May 31st.

How long do your gaming breaks typically last?

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