Five stunning transmog outfits for your new Demon Hunter

It’s finally happened. Demon Hunters are here and they’re taking Azeroth by storm. But if you’re anyone who’s anyone, you don’t want to just be the most impressive Demon Hunter on the battlefield, you also want to be the best Demon Hunter… on the runway! That’s right, today we’re bringing you five different transmog sets that will bring out exactly what sort of look you want to make pop with your Demon Hunter!
A few things to keep in mind: The sets below don’t actually include a headpiece since Demon Hunters get a special customization option for blindfolds that will always appear even if your headpiece is hidden. Secondly, only swords and axes were featured in the list because those are the only weapon classes you can transmog glaives into. Yes, Demon Hunters can technically use other weapon classes, but once Legion rolls out, you’ll be stuck with glaives, swords, and axes for all your transmog sets.
Blue steal
This first set is a personal favorite of mine. Sure, you’re a Demon Hunter indefinitely borrowing a Rogue’s armor set, but who cares? This set looks totally awesome, even on Demon Hunters.
Good for: Night Elves, Demon Hunters with purple tattoos.
Bonuses: The Darkmoon Faire is in town right now, which makes this the perfect time to farm for this set. Additionally, a set of purple warglaives can be bought once Legion drops and they go very well with this set (see: header image).
Find the full set here.
The scrapper
This look, on the other hand, shows everyone that you’ve been through some tough junk in your life. You barely escaped Mardum and you had to fight your way out of The Vault of the Wardens with whatever you could get. Those swords? You stole those from a demon general after blasting it with Fel energy, then used them to cut down even more demons. You’re one tough son of a gun and you don’t need showy, hulking armor to show you mean business.
Good for: Showing off your tattoos, especially if you went with the black ones.
Worth noting: The feet are PVP pieces and come in a slightly darker variant on Horde side.
Find the full set here.
You make me Bloodfury-ous
Some Demon Hunters — especially Blood Elves — retain a bit of their pre-Demon Hunter color palette, instead preferring reds over greens. This set is for those Demon Hunters.
Good for: Showing off red or black tattoos, matching Blood Elf aesthetic.
Bonuses: Utilizes a sword and an ax for maximum lethality.
Worth noting: The sword is Horde-only but comes in other color variants for all races. Souldrinker and Arcweaver Spell Sword are also good alternatives.
Find the full set here.
I Fel for you
Other Demon Hunters, well, they like Fel. And while this set is a bit more Forest Troll than Fel demon, it gets the job done.
Good for: Roleplaying as a Troll, embracing the Fel.
Bonuses: Many easy-to-buy pieces.
Find the full set here.
Just your average, everyday Illidaniel
Look at you. You made it through Outland, Mardum, and the Vault of the Wardens — then you said enough was enough. Instead of fighting the good fight, you decided to go into early retirement and live out your days in the countryside with your happy little family. In fact, tonight, you’re off to see a play! What, these swords? Oh, these are just props you promised you’d deliver to the actors — after all, you spend your Wednesdays volunteering time to help the Karazhan Theatre Troupe. You’re just that kind of Demon Hunter.
Good for: Anyone who’s not about that kinda life.
Bonus: This is some solid RP material here.
Find the full set here.
There are plenty of transmog sets out there for Demon Hunters, but these have hopefully given you an idea where to start (or at least inspired you to create your own sets)! If you have a really awesome transmog idea, feel free to share it in the comments below. And if you’re a fan of transmog in general, don’t forget to check out our regularly scheduled Transmog Tuesday articles.
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