Nerdy Nummies brings Hearthstone pie to life

Rosanna Pansino and her Nerdy Nummies geek-themed baking series has long been a favorite in my household. Ro made My Little Pony cupcakes in a past episode to clinch the five year old daughter demographic, and when we’re watching her, I’m not suffering through some insipid kid show for the thousandth freaking time. Win/win. We were both excited to see her taking on the Hearthstone universe.
I was a little surprised that she opted to go for the cherry pie featured in the October 2016 card back over the iconic April 2015 cupcake. Rosanna seems to go through gallons of icing, even in the Warcraft cookie recipe we featured on the site before, so I figured the cupcake was a sure thing. I’m glad she went with the pie, though. How much more delicious could Hearthstone look?
Like many of her Nerdy Nummies, you could easily adapt this for a more general audience if you dig the recipe. The process is virtually identical to any other lattice-top fruit pie you’d attempt, only rectangular, to really nail the card back theme. If you just omit the extra work in creating the Hearthstone sigil this pie could easily be at home on any table.
Spoiler alert: her help at the end of the video doesn’t seem all that helpful. They’re a little moist, too.
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