What’s your fantasy tier appearance?

Recently we learned that tier sets will not have tier bonuses in Battle for Azeroth, and they won’t really exist as we’ve known them for the past 13 years. In yesterday’s Live Developer Q&A, Ion Hazzikostas clarified that Blizzard won’t be getting rid of unique models for “tier” sets, but rather they will be able to focus on creating awesome raid-themed sets instead of kind-of-relevant class sets. But to be honest, I’ve always preferred class fantasy to raid fantasy, and raid-themed sets kind of feel dated after a while.
Back in Mists of Pandaria, I really wanted a crane-themed set to go with Chi-Ji. I imagined a pure white set with feathers for Holy and an identical set in jet black for Shadow, kind of like Odette and Odile from Swan Lake. Unfortunately, my dreams never came to be. Granted, WoW has explored the wing motif over the years with Tier 5, Tier 18, and the upcoming Tier 21 from Antorus, but I’ve always hoped for something that represented Priests’ differing natures.
As Priests, we stand on either side of the line with Light or Shadow. I really want tier sets to portray that for once. We get pretty colors, and while I have to say that the mythic gold version of our tier in Antorus is simply fabulous, I know a certain someone probably wouldn’t feel at home being dark and evil while running around in blindingly bright gear that practically screams “I LOVE SHINY THINGS.” Plus, cloth gear in general is severely lacking in pure white or black options, and the Aurora set and its black recolor just don’t feel impressive enough. Some days I want to be brooding and some days I want to be mystical.
What about you? Will armor types tied to the raid fill your transmog needs? Or is there something else you would design for your class if you could?
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