What’s your best WoW memory?

Recently, Blizzard did a series of comics illustrating the fun World of Warcraft stories various players sent in, and it got me thinking about the history of the game. It’s been out for thirteen years, after all, and a lot of us have been playing it for quite some time — there are plenty of memories out there for each of us.
I got to wondering what my best memory of World of Warcraft is. I have a lot of them — from playing back in Vanilla with a guild fighting for realm firsts (and man, killing Nefarian is still burned into my memory) to rolling a Tauren so I could play alongside friends I made moving up here to Edmonton. There have been awesome and terrible and embarrassing memories in pretty much every single expansion since I rolled my first character… who was a Paladin. Yeah, that goes under the embarrassing count, I suspect. I mean, do I count Mimiron’s Head? Getting my Sulfuras back in Vanilla?
I think, ultimately, I’d have to go with my wife and I climbing on walls to get into Hyjal back in the day. Before Cataclysm, Hyjal was not entirely dissimilar to the Burning Crusade raid or the Cataclysm raid, but there were some significant differences and I still remember riding up to the tree and seeing Archimonde’s corpse on it. That’s not something you easily forget.
So now I turn it around back to you. What’s your best WoW memory?
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