What does “Warcraft 3 in World of Warcraft” look like to you?

Last Friday, Blizzard did another round of Warfront testing on the Battle for Azeroth beta — this time, on the Alliance side. While the original test was meant to run earlier, it ended up being pushed back, meaning this was the first time anyone experienced the Alliance half of the battle. Though, as it turns out, the Alliance half isn’t really all that different from the Horde’s. Gather resources, fight off constant attack waves, build up your forces until you’re ready to attack a key strategic location.
On paper, it really does sound like Blizzard’s met their goal of bringing the feeling of Warcraft 3 into World of Warcraft. But in reality, it all feels… lacking. I have plenty of reasons for feeling this way — more than can fit here — but at the end of the day, they’re my reasons. They’re reasons based on my experiences in Warcraft 3.
And, as Blizzard has acknowledged, everyone thinks of Warcraft 3 a little differently. Where you may immediately think, “Building a Tree of Ages and several Moon Wells!” I may think, “Heck yeah, Ziggurats and Slaughterhouses!” Where you may choose to whittle down opponents with wave after wave of forces, I may choose to amass an enormous army and march them all into the heart of the enemy base.
Point being, it’s the same game, but it’s still a different game for each of us. And that’s why recreating it in World of Warcraft is a lot more complicated than putting all of the paper elements in and calling it a day. I’m not quite sure Blizzard’s there yet, but the scale of Warfronts is certainly admirable.
However, I’d love for them to hit their goal and then some — so let’s brainstorm as a team, shall we? What would Warcraft 3 brought to life via Warfronts look like to you? Specifically, what would bring the feeling of Warcraft 3 to WoW? As I’ve said, it’s easier on paper than it is in implementation. Help me (and Blizzard) figure out how to make it happen.
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