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Discussion > WoWSep 9, 2018 11:00 am CT

Where else in Azeroth do you want to see Warfronts?

Please note: This article was originally published April 23, 2018. We thought we’d pose the question again since this week’s seen the official launch of Warfronts!

Last week, Blizzard gave us our first taste of Warfronts, courtesy of a three-hour testing block on the alpha. As you may recall, Warfronts are one of the major features of Battle for Azeroth. The intent behind them is that players get a classic Warcraft 3 experience — or as close to one as WoW can realistically offer. And based on the various playtests we’ve seen, Warfronts do manage to do that.

However, the playtests we’ve seen were obviously limited to the only announced Warfront so far: the siege of Stromgarde in Arathi Highlands. Why Stromgarde? It’s one of the key locations in Eastern Kingdoms that the Horde can use to attack the land recently taken by the Alliance. But, not surprisingly, the Alliance doesn’t want to lose their recent acquisition.

But the Arathi Highlands don’t seem like the only piece of land that fit the “strategic advantage” requirement, so where else could we have Warfronts? Since we currently have one in Eastern Kingdoms with the Horde trying to take back land from the Alliance, the most obvious next choice is a Kalimdor settlement the Alliance would want back from the Horde.

For me, that immediately brings Ashenvale to mind. It’s one of the most mourned areas claimed by the Horde in the Cataclysm, and it’s right between the now-destroyed Darnassus and Orgrimmar. Any Horde traveling between the two locations would likely travel through Ashenvale. Mechanically speaking, it could also potentially open up a Warfront that utilizes Night Elf buildings rather than Human ones. I know I’m not the only one who would be interested in the Warcraft 3 Elven buildings making their way to Warfronts.

But that’s just one suggestion — I want to see what you all can come up with. Where would you like to see Warfronts appear in Battle for Azeroth? Why did you pick your location? Would the Warfront use different buildings than Arathi’s? Sound off below!

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