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WoWOct 4, 2018 3:00 pm CT

Soon, you’ll be able to solo-queue for Legion LFR for mounts, toys, and more

Battle for Azeroth brought us many transmog and legacy loot changes, one of which was the ability to get full loot from all the LFR raids from previous expansions. Not many players knew that you could already queue up for past expansions’ LFR by yourself, since you had to go to a dedicated NPC for each raid. However, it seems like Legion LFRs were accidentally left out.

This might be due to the fact that Legion raids were specifically excluded from all legacy loot changes, since for some strange reason the WoW devs assume that we want to go through the horror of PUG-ing old content. Since full groups for old LFRs isn’t really a thing, they’re going to rectify that. In patch 8.1, Tides of Vengeance, you’ll be able to solo queue for Legion LFRs for all that sweet cosmetic loot.

If you’re wondering what’s so great about Legion LFR loot, here is a list of the cosmetic things you can get:

On the PTR, the queue is currently bugged and is not working, so no word yet on whether the legacy loot changes that drop full loot tables will work for Legion LFR as well. When it does come, however, you won’t need to work hard to find the NPC to queue. Just go to Archmage Timear outside The Violet Hold in Legion Dalaran. He’s the same guy who had the weekly event quests.

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