What are you most (or least) excited about in World of Warcraft patch 8.1?

Today’s the day. Close to four months after Battle for Azeroth launched, we’re receiving the expansion’s first major update in the form of patch 8.1. As far as patches go, it’s pretty deserving of the “major” designation here. We’re getting class changes, a new Warfront, faction incursions, a slightly revamped Azerite Armor system, new Island Expeditions, and a whole heck of a lot more. Frankly, there’s more coming in the patch than I ever can even remember.
Not surprisingly, the breadth of changes coming will mean different people have different reactions to everything. Maybe the class changes that you love so much are the nightmare for someone else. Maybe the idea of a new Warfront is more tedious than exciting. WoW is a big game with a lot of different players, so it’s no shock that some people will pick and choose what they like, and those choices won’t always overlap.
For my part, I’m excited about the Warfront and the continued War Campaign. Primarily, this is because it means I’ll be getting more story and lore — and I’m never going to complain about that. But I also really like the look of the Darkshore Warfront. Not only does the zone itself fit my personal aesthetic much more than Arathi does, but the fact that it features my favorite race (Forsaken) means I’ll be grinding for the transmog set much more fervently than I’ve done so far for the existing Warfront. Overall, even if Warfronts aren’t quite what I expected them to be, the Darkshore Warfront looks to be promising, and I’m excited to give it a run or two.
Meanwhile, I absolutely hate that Paragon rewards are returning. Hate, hate, hate! They were my least favorite addition in Legion, and they’ll continue to be my least favorite addition in this expansion. Sure, it helps that there aren’t any mount rewards (yet?), but I still hate the idea of having more to do after capping a reputation. I know some people like it, but I don’t.
But that’s just my take. How about all of you? What are your most and least favorite changes/additions coming with patch 8.1? Is your class looking any better? Is there something small I’ve forgotten to mention that you can’t wait to see? Let me know below!
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