What do you think about the story coming in patch 8.2?

Even if you’re avoiding spoilers, you still probably know the basic outlines of what’s coming in patch 8.2 — Queen Azshara’s Naga are attacking the world and we’re going to Nazjatar, there’s a new kingdom of steampunk Gnomes called Mechagon and we’re going there too, and, oh yeah, all that stuff that happened in 8.1.5 has repercussions in the War Campaign. I’m personally pretty excited to see what happens to specific lore figures I’ve heard are getting the spotlight — it’s about time that we find out what they’ve been doing while all this Azerite stuff went down.
But there’s a lot more to patch 8.2, some of it very spoilery — new World Quests, a new raid, new mega dungeon, a ton of lore — and I’m very curious what other people are looking forward to and why. I mean, I very much want to finally see Queen Azshara interacting with us and with all of these NPCs that she should have connections to. I’m sad Illidan won’t be around to have a chat with her, but there are so many others like Malfurion, Tyrande, Shandris, Thalyssra, and the Nightborne who should definitely have some sort of words with the Queen. And meanwhile we have characters we haven’t heard from in forever popping up in Mechagon, making me extremely curious how that zone’s going to unfold and what we’re going to end up doing once we get there.
It feels to me like patch 8.2 is where we start to actually see what the future of this expansion — and the game — is going to be. With Azshara making her move, the schemes of N’Zoth running amok while we also have the Mechagnomes and the Horde/Alliance conflict rolling ever forward with long time favorite characters returning, have you been keeping track of what’s coming in World of Warcraft‘s story? Are you excited for what we may find out?
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