How to get the Crimson Tidestallion mount and where to find Murloco

The Crimson Tidestallion mount is one of the many mounts added in World of Warcraft’s patch 8.2. Following in an increasingly longer line of mounts that require a nice mix of RNG and puzzle solving, this one’s not the sort of mount you’ll be able to just stumble across. It requires a specific set of purchased items (with limited durations), a random world event, and — most of all — the item to actually be available for sale from Mrrl, a vendor whose goods rotate daily.
All of which is to say, if you want this mount, you’ll need a guide. That’s where I come in — let’s break it down, shall we?
Step 1: Getting your cloak
You won’t be able to see any of the vendor goods unless you have the Azsh’ari Stormsurger Cape. This can be obtained via the Benthic Cloak — which means it’s a bit up to RNG on how easily you’ll get this. Thankfully, you can buy Benthic Cloaks for only five Prismatic Manapearls. Once you have the cloak, you can move on to the next steps.
Step 2: Freeing Murloco
I know I said the Crimson Tidestallion is only available rarely from Mrrl, but one of the items needed to purchase it is the Hungry Herald’s Tentacle Taco. And what makes this item special is that it doesn’t have a limited duration like the other items you’ll need (more on them later). But it’s also special because you need to free Murloco before you can buy it.
Murloco is sometimes located in the cave you see above at (46.5, 32.7) — emphasis on “sometimes.” When Murloco is up, he’ll be guarded by two Naga. Killing the initial two sends several more waves your way, culminating in an elite Naga. The waves are relentless, so make sure you’re ready to fight. Once you free Murloco, he’ll sell various goods, including the Hungry Herald’s Tentacle Taco for 666 gold.
The reason this step is second is because Murloco spawning is completely random and can take any amount of time to actually appear. The rest of the steps won’t matter if you can’t get Murloco to spawn in time.
Important notes:
- Murloco only stays up for five minutes. Do not forget your cloak before freeing him.
- If you don’t see Murloco, try server hopping.
- Don’t forget to check Group Finder for groups who have already freed Murloco.
Step 3: Making sure Mrrl is actually selling the Crimson Tidestallion
Here’s an incredibly easy step! Because his wares change daily, and because the Crimson Tidestallion is a very rare part of those wares, you’ll want to be sure he’s actually selling it before moving onto the next step. More than likely, social media (and Wowhead) will be lighting up with reports of its availability.
As an aside, if you don’t see it on Mrrl, try realm hopping and/or changing your Warmode status. I’m assuming Blizzard will fix this in the future, but as of this writing, Mrrl’s goods seem to vary on a realm-to-realm basis rather than a regional basis.
Step 4: The vendor shuffle
Here’s where the — ahem — “fun” starts. Aside from the Tentacle Taco, you’ll also need four Cultist Pinky Fingers and two Pulsating Blood Stones. The former requires 16 Smelly Piles of Gloop and 28 Ghost Foods, while the latter requires 16 Sea Giant Foot Dusts and 14 Healthy Murloc Lunches. But that’s not where it actually starts. You know what? Let’s make it easier to visualize.
First, buy the following:
- Slimy Naga Eyeball x 714 from Mrrglrlr
- Unidentified Mass x 288 from Flrgrrl
- Sweet Sea Vegetable x 128 from Hurlgrl
Then get these:
- Curious Murloc Horn x 238 from Grrmrlg
- Just Regular Butter x 32 from Flrgrrl
- Dirty Murloc Sock x 48 from Hurlgrl
- You’ll need to hop in some water and clean these after purchasing
Next get these:
- Smelly Pile of Gloop x 16 from Mrrglrlr
- Ghost Food x 28 from Flrgrrl
- Sea Giant Foot Dust x 16 from Grrmrlg
- Healthy Murloc Lunch x 14 from Hurlgrl
Finally, buy these
- Cultist Pinky Finger x 4 from Hurlgrl
- Pulsating Blood Stones x 2 from Mrrglrlr
Once you have the final two ingredients, trade those (plus the Tentacle Taco) for your Crimson Tidestallion from Mrrl. Congratulations! You can ride around on a pretty seahorse — and don’t forget, you can purchase Budding Deepcoral to let you ride this around Nazjatar without being in water.
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